Photo of Social Media is Really About the Conversation

How Polishing Up Your Social Media Campaigns Starts With a Conversation

Social Media is the Vehicle and Engagement is the Key

Social Media (SM) marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. Engagement varies per network, so understanding each network you are using is important.

80/20 Rule to Engagement

20% or less of your Social Media posts may be self-promotion oriented (product and sales promotions), leaving 80% or more to be non-promotional; posts that help position your business as a trusted expert.

Success on social media has come from treating Social Media platforms as conversation tools, not billboards for advertising. You cannot completely control your message on Social Media, but you can participate in the conversation. If you keep this in mind, you can achieve a significant influence in that conversation, and position your company as a trusted expert to your customer base.

Someone that is considered an expert is looked to for tips and advice. Consider a room full of people you don’t know; think about what you could share so they know you are an expert. This is the direction you should take on SM:

  • SHARE tips, tricks, insider information, and free resources.
  • CREATE original content wherever possible.
  • WRITE FIRST PERSON and be personal (Tone of voice): social media is not a billboard but a conversation between people. This is not a radio or TV ad, people can actually talk back, so converse with your audience.
  • Use PHOTOS and VIDEOS wherever possible to visualize your tips and tricks (Similar to how you visualize presentations with PowerPoint).
  • REPLY QUICKLY to questions, feedback, and comments. Unlike email, SM is not private, everyone can see when companies leave questions unanswered.

Go out and start talking!

Simply put, conversing with your market will lead to more engagement, better brand building, and stronger return on investment.

– Chris