Photo of The 3 Best Google Web Tools for SEO

The 3 Best Google Web Tools for SEO

It goes without saying that Google is the place to search the net. We all know that placing high in Google search results is becoming increasingly difficult, and yet it is still essential for business.

Good news is that Google actually provides some awesome tools for webmasters, business owners and Search Engine Optimizers (SEOs) for free, just finding out about them, and learning how to use them is not so easy. Read more

Photo of Social Media is Really About the Conversation

Social Media is Really About the Conversation

How Polishing Up Your Social Media Campaigns Starts With a Conversation

Social Media is the Vehicle and Engagement is the Key

Social Media (SM) marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. Engagement varies per network, so understanding each network you are using is important. Read more

Photo of 3 Marketing Strategies You Need to Start Doing Now

3 Marketing Strategies You Need to Start Doing Now

1. Twitter

A great way to think about social media marketing on Twitter: “If Facebook is a gathering place of everyone you know, Twitter is a gathering place of everyone you should know.” That little blue bird is one of the most underestimated and misunderstood business marketing tools. Whether you are a business-to-consumer or a business-to-business type company, your customers and the key decisions makers are on here. Read more

Photo of Creating Email Subject Lines that Actually get Opened

Creating Email Subject Lines that Actually get Opened

Most people quickly scan the subject lines in their inbox before deciding which messages are worth their time and attention.

Did you know that emails with subject lines with both a persons first and last name have a higher chance of getting read? Or using “thank you” vs “sign up” makes a giant impact on open rates?

Let’s face it, even in the age of Social Media and interactive websites, old school email is still our most powerful client communication tool. However, most email subject lines are not given much thought. Sure we like to add works like “Urgent” or “Sale!” or “Last Chance!”, but what if some of those words are actually deterring people from opening the email? Words that make an email look like metallic cans of virtual ham are simply getting deleted. (Spam anyone?)

Good news is some of the most respected names in the email biz have put together some research to help:

Subject Line Data: Choose Your Words Wisely (MailChimp)

Symbols in Subject Lines (Campaign Monitor)

Are you crafting the best subject lines?

– Chris

Photo of Drive online traffic, increase store sales, build your brand; all with Google Adwords.

Drive online traffic, increase store sales, build your brand; all with Google Adwords.

Control when you show up on Google with Adwords; Your first $100 is on us. We do all the work for you; optimizing your ads and keywords, and send you reports once per month.

Sign Up for a Managed Adwords account and we’ll throw in $100 worth of free ads! Fully managed for $35/mth + $100 setup Signup: or call us.

Pinterest for Business?

New Social Media universe, Pinterest, is a pinboard-styled social photo sharing community. It allows users to create and share themed image collections to other users. Its social makeup is similar to Twitter, in that users have “Followers”, and all posts are public and have can have a good chance of going viral. Read more

Cold Calling, Email Blasts & Snail Mail

15% of emails are opened.

In today’s world the average person receives a lot more email than they can handle. Dreaded spam is mostly overlooked and sent to either the junk box, or the trash – where it belongs of course. Legitimate sales emails are often filed as spam as well.

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