As web developers we are constantly adapting to the always changing web standards set by the big tech companies and the behaviours of web users themselves. Modern web standards are geared towards creating websites that provide great user experiences and are easily read by web crawlers.
Website Design
Top Web Design Trends This Year
Keeping up with latest design trends is a big, and fun, part of being a web designer or developer. Here are just a few of the trends we have noticed that are really gaining momentum this year.
Foundation Building Blocks
We are proud users and supports of Zurb and their Foundation framework. We use Foundation 6 framework for every website we build, with or without WordPress. Now Zurb has released Foundation Building Blocks, a great library with various HTML, CSS and JS code snippets to, you guessed it, build a website! Quicker!
Common Website Mistakes
Every business should in this day and age, have a business website, a website can after all break a business or help make it truly successful. This holds true no matter what business you have, be it a solely online business or a traditional bricks and mortar type business. With a website being so important, let’s have a look at some mistakes that if you avoid you’ll create website that increases your reach, potentially gets lots of traffic and converts visitors ultimately into customers.
Three Key Points We Consider During the Design Process
A lot of planning goes into the design of a website. There are many factors to consider and keep in mind that influence the design process. From beginning to end there are three key points we use as a basis for every website we design.