Photo of Website Malware Protection

Website malware is an ever present danger. Website files can be easily corrupted and become subject to cross-site scripting that can spread and effect your entire website. This can result in dangerous redirects, information phising and eventually lead to your website getting black listed.

Recently we were approached by a company whose website was redirecting users to a scam website. Immediately we knew their website had been infected by malware and become subject to a website hijack. The company’s website is powered by WordPress, but unfortunately it was out of date and so were several of the plugins. This is why as developers, we stress the importance of keeping your WordPress install, and plugins,  up to date because of the security upgrades that get released to protect your website.

How We Help

If your website is powered by WordPress then look no further for website support! As a company we offer WordPress Maintenance Packages that are designed to keep your WordPress install, and plugins, up to date and working properly. We provide malware protection and removal, as well as, annual backups and extended support.

Let us worry about your website’s needs.

Please feel free to contact us by phone or email to learn more about our WordPress Maintenance Packages!