In part 1 we discussed why online and in-person social networking is a must for all businesses, and I shared some great links on the subject of offline networking. Now let’s take a look at some online networking resources:

Online Social Networking 101

(Great Facebook website:

How to Use Facebook for Business and Marketing

As much as Facebook may not be kind to businesses, it’s still a tremendously valuable business tool. After all, Facebook could eat the web. In fact, you’re likely spotting the shift; instead of companies posting their URLs on television commercials, they’re asking their followers to join them on Facebook.

8 Useful Tips To Become Successful With Twitter

Twitter is the new big thing. With everybody from Britney Spears to Barack Obama now on Twitter, it is safe to say the social networking platform has gone mainstream. For many users worldwide Twitter has become a crucial tool for maintaining contacts, exchanging opinions and making new connections. But what does this mean for the service, and how can we, website owners, actually use it for our purposes?